Personal Growth | Neora Blog Leaders in Skincare, Wellness & Hair care Fri, 20 Jan 2023 21:41:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Personal Growth | Neora Blog 32 32 Resolutions Worth Sticking To Wed, 11 Jan 2023 16:14:42 +0000 Every new year brings with it a sense of possibility. A fresh start. There’s hope for a better year than the one you had before. Your goals and dreams feel closer.   Starting your year with a New Year’s Resolution helps to turn those dreams into reality.   And after 2022, we could all use a little […]

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Every new year brings with it a sense of possibility. A fresh start. There’s hope for a better year than the one you had before. Your goals and dreams feel closer.  

Starting your year with a New Year’s Resolution helps to turn those dreams into reality.  

And after 2022, we could all use a little help achieving our goals. Oxford Dictionary’s word of the year for 2022 was goblin mode. “Goblin mode” – a slang term, often used in the expressions “in goblin mode” or “to go goblin mode” – is ‘a type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations.” 

Personally, we think that’s more of a phrase – but for many people, goblin mode was the overall vibe of 2022. We hope 2023 is less goblin mode and more Beyonce mode.  

Why Don’t More People Stick to Their Resolutions?

We’re pretty sure most people didn’t write in their journals, “My 2022 resolution is to live in goblin mode.” In fact, most people resolve to: 

  • Save more money 
  • Get in shape 
  • Travel 
  • Read more 
  • Learn a skill or hobby 
  • Quit smoking 

But even with these great intentions, few people realized these goals.  

Although there isn’t much research out there, one 1989 study showed that only about 8% of people actually stick to their New Year’s resolutions. But even if only a small percentage of people actually do what they set out to do at the beginning of the year, what’s the harm in trying? Even if you only stick to your goal through March, isn’t it better that you spent that time working on yourself? 

So, why don’t more people follow through with their resolutions? 

  1. Their goals aren’t realistic. They have good intentions but they aren’t based in reality. You physically can’t go from no activity to running a marathon overnight. 

“A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 

  1. They don’t create action steps to realize their goals. And without a solid plan, the initial spark fades and they fall back into old habits.  
  2. They give up too easily after setbacks.  

The New Year brings with it new motivation and inspiration to live your healthiest, happiest life. So why not capitalize on this energy and use it to move towards your goals? 

Resolutions Worth Setting 

If you haven’t already chosen your 2023 resolution, here are some resolutions to consider: 

  • Eat better. 
  • Move more. 
  • Start a breathwork practice. 
  • Start a meditation practice.  
  • Start a cold exposure practice.  
  • Sleep 8 hours a night.  
  • Run a 5k (or 10k, or marathon!) 
  • Spend X hours each week doing something FUN. 
  • Spend more time outdoors.  
  • Drink more water. 

You know yourself. Take some time to reflect back on 2022 and the way you feel right now about your life. What goal or dream would you love to realize? If your heart is in it, you know you’re starting from the right place. 

How to Actually Follow Through with Your Resolutions 

  • Start where you are.  
  • Be realistic with where you are now – Point A. If your goal is to get a six-pack by March and you don’t already have visible abdominal lines, you may want to consider the six-pack goal as a 5-year goal instead of a one-year resolution. Set goals that you can truly achieve and set mini goals for yourself so you can celebrate the little victories along the way. You may also want to consider why you want that six-pack. What does it symbolize for you? You may realize that the superficial goal of a six-pack is more about wanting acceptance or to feel strong, then shift the resolution to reflect your true desire.  
  • Know your “why”. 
  • Resolutions are goals. But the “why” behind the goal is even more important than the goal itself. Why do you want to exercise more? To get in shape? Why? To look good naked? Why? There’s always a deeper reason that we want things. And if you get clear on your true desire and stay focused on that deeper wish, your initial motivation won’t fade. Journal on your why and set calendar dates to read back on what you initially journaled. Add to it whenever you feel inspired to. Chasing superficial goals is exhausting and will wear you out or lose your interest quickly.  
  • Be ambitious, but authentic. 
  • You know yourself better than anyone. Consider who you are, not who you hope to be when setting your goals. If your goal is to meditate for an hour every day but you struggle to sit still for five minutes, start with something realistic. Set a goal of meditating for 5 minutes per day for the first month, then increase by 5 minutes each month so that by December 2023 you’ll be at your goal of an hour a day.  
  • Create an action plan.  
  • This goes hand in hand with the above. No matter what your goal is, break into smaller chunks. If your goal is to buy a house in 2023, decide how much you need to put down first. Then create a budget that is doable. Look at your finances often to ensure that you’re on track.  
  • No matter what the goal is, make sure the entire plan is written out and stick to it. Place reminders everywhere you’ll see them, like your phone background, post-it notes on your mirror and fridge, on your calendar.  
  • Part of your action plan should include some time for rest or cheat days. Few people can stay consistent 365 days of the year, and few want to. Cheat/rest days are necessary for fitness goals, diets, and for sanity’s sake.  
  • Small daily steps.  
  • Every good plan includes things you’ll do monthly, weekly, and daily. The small daily steps you take are the MOST important. Keep track of these daily action steps in your planner, on your phone, a journal, or wherever you know you’ll actually remember to look.  
  • Use the buddy system. 
  • Humans are social creatures. We do everything better together. Whether you find a friend to work out with, a partner to stay on top of finances with, or an online group to check in with for accountability, we get things done when we do them together.  
  • Remember that setbacks do NOT equal failure.  
  • You’re a human being, not a robot – and even robots make mistakes! Life happens. If you miss a few days – or even a month – do not quit. Get back into your routine as quickly as possible. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Do your best to not let little setbacks affect the way you see yourself. A setback is not a failure, and neither are you.  

Your goals are worth it. Whether 2022 was your best year or you lived it in goblin mode, 2023 can be the start of something amazing. New year, same you, different plan, different future.  

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Gratitude Practices Tue, 15 Nov 2022 17:46:00 +0000 As we near Thanksgiving, the topic of gratitude is everywhere. But you don’t have to wait until Thanksgiving to consider what you’re grateful for. Gratitude is important year-round!  Cultivating an attitude of gratitude has scientifically proven benefits.  Gratitude opens the door to more friendships and relationships.  Gratitude improves your physical health and psychological health.  Gratitude […]

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As we near Thanksgiving, the topic of gratitude is everywhere. But you don’t have to wait until Thanksgiving to consider what you’re grateful for. Gratitude is important year-round! 

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude has scientifically proven benefits. 

  • Gratitude opens the door to more friendships and relationships. 
  • Gratitude improves your physical health and psychological health. 
  • Gratitude enhances compassion and lessens feelings of aggression. 
  • Gratitude improves sleep. 
  • Grateful people have better self-esteem. 
  • Gratitude makes you mentally stronger.

Like most things, gratitude takes practice to cultivate. Like building muscles, it takes time and practice to feel naturally grateful. 

Here are some gratitude practices to help you feel more grateful:

  • Place visual reminders around your space. Find a mug with a quote about gratitude to drink your morning coffee in. Write a note and place it on your computer to remind you to feel grateful throughout your workday. Place a note on your mirror or refrigerator so that you’re reminded to be grateful each time you get a snack or look in the mirror.  
  • Keep a gratitude journal. Write down three things you’re grateful for at the beginning and/or end of each day. Five minutes every morning or night is plenty of time to reflect on what you’re grateful for. The more you make gratitude a part of your routine, the more likely you’ll be to feel grateful throughout the day. 
  • Meditate on gratitude. Listening to a short, guided gratitude meditation every day, or sitting in silence and reflecting on all you have to be grateful for are great ways to practice this. If you’re a visual person, envision a gratitude slideshow in your mind of all of the people, places, and things you’re grateful for.  
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How to Stop Slipping into Failure Tue, 23 Nov 2021 18:15:26 +0000 Three simple practices that will lead you down the path of success.

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One of my favorite quotes is from Jim Rohn, entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker. When it comes to success, he bluntly and succinctly summarizes, “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” The reason we make so many excuses for not getting the things we want in life such as financial freedom, success, and a life lived on our own terms, is that it is much easier to find excuses for not achieving than to put in the work it takes to attain greatness.

I have started up many businesses in my life and have helped tens of thousands of people find their own paths to success. I am not some kind of business guru, nor did I need to be to build the life that I wanted. From an early age I learned that, if I show up every day with the mindset that every choice I make today should get me one step closer to my goal, and if I activate those choices, doors will open.

Create Daily Habits That Work For You

Overnight success is rare, if it exists at all; real success takes plain, old-fashioned, hard work. In my book The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness, I explain that the thoughts and actions that you practice every day will propel you toward your goal, and that every decision you make has to be geared toward your success. Cultivating negative thoughts and habits can lead you down a path of repeated failure, but if you feed your success, you begin to build the foundation for your dream life. Slight Edge decisions aren’t flashy or dramatic, they are the every day, simple and mundane choices that, repeated over time, give you the Slight Edge.

Surround Yourself With Success

Successful people are that way for a reason. If you want to be successful in business, seek out those who are already at the top of their game, learn everything you can from them, and be willing to be mentored. Positive role models offer hope and motivation, while negative people are draining. Surround yourself with people who bring you positive energy and support your goals. This is true not only in business, but in every other aspect of your life; if you want to be happier, hang out with happy people. Research shows that you are 15% more likely to be happy if you are directly connected to a happy person, while being around unhappy people can decrease your own happiness by 7%. It’s not rocket science, but the numbers speak for themselves.

Find the Good in Life

All too often, people take the things that really matter in life for granted. If you practice more gratitude, you become happier, which in turn makes you more motivated to reach your goals. Not only do grateful people achieve more in life, but they make others around them happy too. The same goes for kindness and compassion: kind people are more likely to have stronger relationships, increased sales and experience more productivity, all of which leads to a successful life. Christopher Kukk, Ph.D., and author of The Compassionate Achiever: How Helping Others Fuels Success, says that a compassionate mindset unlocks the happy hormones that lead to happiness and optimism, two keys to success.

What are You Waiting for?

Once you are on the true path to success, you don’t have to keep searching for it: success will find you. Incorporate these practices into your life’s philosophy and live by them. Your philosophy dictates your attitudes, your actions, and your results, which, in turn, creates your dream life; so I ask you, what are you waiting for?

Headshot of Jeff Olson

Jeff Olson is the founder and CEO of Neora. After launching in the United States in 2011, Neora stepped into the limelight shattering industry records over the course of its first year by accomplishing an astounding 3,900 percent growth. A dynamic and visionary leader who has served in many executive roles across different business channels and companies, Jeff is also a best-selling author and motivational speaker. Jeff devotes his time to serving on the board of the Neora Ripple Foundation and has helped raise over $5 million for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) and World Vision International. He has also committed resources to the Success Foundation, founded Live Happy magazine, and supported the International Positive Education Network. Jeff has addressed the United Nations on the topic of global happiness and has been inducted into the Happiness Hall of Fame.

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The Importance of Faith and Family for Success in Life Wed, 03 Nov 2021 13:00:00 +0000 If you really want to achieve great things in life, you need a strong foundation of faith and family.

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In my experience, we rely on our faith and family to help us navigate troubled times and to help us celebrate the wins. Research shows that most happy people also have healthy relationships and a strong faith. It’s who and what we can count on when we need it the most. Faith and family provide a solid foundation to build a successful business and life. At Neora, we firmly believe our success is a direct result of our virtues, and without our faith and our family, we would be rudderless and lost at sea. 

You Got to Have Faith

Throughout my life, having faith has added purpose, meaning and drive in my day-to-day and in the long term. It has always provided a framework on how I have wanted to live and has always helped me achieve my goals. I always come back to this: Do we want to be self-serving or do we want to be here to help others?

In my opinion the latter will always make you happier. When we treat each other with kindness, compassion, empathy and forgiveness, we create a ripple effect of goodness that makes life better for everyone. Believing in something bigger than yourself allows you to see the whole picture and makes your message clearer. When you are driven by faith, any goal you set for yourself it attainable. Practice these positive habits and I promise, you will make your community stronger and improve the quality of your life in the process.

All in the Family

Family can mean many things to many people. At Neora, when you join our company, you join our family—and we will believe in your until you believe in yourself. That is what families do for each other. Amit Sood, M.D., author of The Mayo Clinic Handbook for Happiness, says when we work as if everyone we serve is a family member, we build stronger connections that can influence attention and competence, which can lead to success. At Neora, before we offer any product or opportunity to anyone, we ask ourselves: “Would I be comfortable giving this to a family member?” If the answer is ‘yes,’ then we know it’s a good decision and we are moving in the right direction. That is how you build trust with your customers and employees, and the happier those people are with you, the better off your business will be.

A Winning Formula

We would not be the company we are today if we didn’t truly understand the meaning and importance of family and faith. Our company is dedicated to ‘making people better.’ That mantra is written on the walls of our headquarters, it’s in our messaging and it is etched in stone in our culture. We truly believe that you cannot truly achieve success in life if you don’t surround yourself with positive people who care about you and whom you care about. We are here to believe in you, support all of your efforts and serve as a force of good helping you along the way!

Renee Olson Headshot

Renee Olson is the Chief Leadership Officer for Neora. Renee is a regional sales trainer, inspiring motivator, public speaker and advocate for children’s causes. As a Board Member of the Neora Ripple Foundation, Renee is passionate about helping at-risk youth, families and communities across the globe and is actively involved in supporting our Big Brothers Big Sisters and World Vision International philanthropic partners. 

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How to Make Working Out a Habit Tue, 06 Jul 2021 21:06:40 +0000 Starting an exercise habit is tough! Starting is hard. But starting over again and again is even harder. Use the below tips to make working out a part of your lifestyle!

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Starting an exercise habit is tough! Many people start out with great intentions – but the initial motivation fades. So it’s important to create a routine that you can stick to even when you’re feeling unmotivated.

Starting is hard. But starting over again and again is even harder. Use the below tips to make working out a part of your lifestyle!

Create a Schedule

The hardest part of your workout is STARTING! Whether you’re planning to hit the gym, heading to a yoga class, or taking a class online, getting there is the hardest part. Plan how many days you’ll be working out, what you’ll be doing, and what time you’re going to work out in advance.

Schedule your workouts in your calendar, write them out in your planner, set reminders in your phone — whatever it takes. Don’t schedule anything else at this time: this is YOUR time.

Set Yourself Up for Success

Many people prefer morning workouts because it’s easier to get it over with first thing in the morning before you start answering emails, getting your kids ready for school, and before your daily work begins. If you’re a morning workout person, set yourself up for success by going to bed early enough. Another way to set yourself up for success is to get your workout gear ready the night before. Set aside your outfit, your headphones, prepare your preworkout,  anything else you’ll need to do in the morning. If you’re able to set your phone to Do Not Disturb until you’ve finished your workout to keep you on task, do so.

If you’re not a morning workout person but you know you’d like to hit the gym right after work, pack a gym bag the night before so you’re not rushing to get your things together in the morning. Set reminders for yourself so you’ll leave work on time.

Another way to set yourself up for success is by meal prepping so you’re not distracted by planning what to eat for breakfast or dinner while you should be working out.

Set Realistic Goals for Yourself

One mistake people often make when they’re starting a fitness journey is setting unattainable goals. If you’re starting from zero — no workouts at all — it doesn’t make sense to plan to hit the gym 6 days a week for an hour a day. Instead, plan for three workouts with maybe half hour ones to begin.

Not setting goals for yourself — or unclear goals — is also a mistake. When you know you want to lose X number of inches around your waist in X number of months and you track your progress, you’re more likely to stay motivated. Keep a fitness journal with your measurements, a food diary if you’d like, and check off workouts from your to-do list. You’ll feel accomplished as you hit your smaller goals. Seeing progress is a huge motivator.

If you’re tired of starting over, don’t give up on yourself! You. Are. Worth. It. And even on the days you feel tired, or unmotivated, or feel like giving up, dig deep and remember why you started this journey in the first place! You CAN do this!

Adriana Lee

Adriana Lee

NeoraFit™ Ambassador Adriana Lee is a Las Vegas born yoga teacher and yoga teacher trainer. She is all about self-discovery and empowerment through yoga. She teaches her students how to breathe, how to feel and how to get reacquainted with their bodies. As a teacher, she breaks down big concepts and complicated poses into bite-sized pieces to make them more accessible. Her teaching is based in anatomy and biomechanics. Students leave the class feeling refreshed, connected to their bodies, and empowered — and now she brings her skill and experience exclusively to you.
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Women in Leadership Roles Need to Be the Inspiration for the Success of Others Thu, 01 Jul 2021 14:27:11 +0000 When women reach top leadership roles in business, it’s important to be a beacon of hope for others to follow.

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While women make up half of the population and have made amazing contributions to history, less than 6% of us hold CEO positions at S&P 500 companies, according to Catalyst’s Women in S&P 500 Companies list. While there is an obvious gender gap of women at the helm of the biggest companies in the world and the lack of representation is frustrating, it’s also a reason for women to be an inspiration to and for others when we reach the mountain top.

Throughout my career, I have been blessed to hold CEO positions at two different companies, Neora and Live Happy. I worked very hard to get to where I am today, and I like to believe that I achieved these positions the right way: resilience, a positive mindset and leading with purpose. I practice these three things on a daily basis, and it has helped me every step of the way. These simple acts are not hard to do but it does take work and commitment, and I promise you the more that you build these strengths, the better your life will be.

Be Resilient

Angela Duckworth, psychologist and author of the New York Times best-seller Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, says people who are “gritty” place a high value on their goals, and they know that to achieve those goals, you must understand the investment it takes to get what you want. You may not be the most talented person out there—and most successful people aren’t—but the ones who truly want to accomplish their goals find a way to get there. After years of research on the subject of grit, Angela found that talent may be a factor in success, but effort counts twice. Those who truly learn to bounce back from life’s adversity and persevere on the other side deserve everything they earn.

Be Positive

When we started Live Happy, we did so with the idea that everyone deserves to have the information on how to live a happier life. No longer was the research on the good life stuck in the halls of academia. We did this because we believe in happiness in every aspect of life, especially in business. If you run a business and your employees aren’t happy and engaged, your customers aren’t happy and engaged either. This means you are losing money. Research shows that happiness raises nearly every business outcome, including sales, productivity and accuracy on tasks. Not by a little, but a lot. In some cases, by nearly 40%. Happy employees work harder, miss less work due to health issues, are less likely to quit and earn more than those who are not. Create a kind, positive and compassionate environment and you will reap the rewards. The bottom line is happiness is good for any businesses’ bottom line. 

Find Your Purpose

This is very important to me. I would not have been able to accomplish what I have in my life if I didn’t have a defined purpose of how I wanted my professional and personal life to be. When your life has purpose and meaning, that means your hard work and effort are not being wasted. Our mission statement at Neora is Make People Better. For Live Happy, it’s Making Your World a Happier Place. These are both aimed at putting others first. We are here to serve people, mentor people and help people. Behind our products, our services, our offerings or our contributions are people helping people. I wouldn’t have it any other way and I believe our success is a direct result of our collective purpose to make this world a better place.

I know these actions aren’t exclusively for women. In fact, everyone should practice them. But as women, the work is harder, the path to success is longer and the mountain top is higher. If we find the things in life that truly make us happy and those around us happier too, then the authenticity of what you are trying to accomplish will be clear and the journey will be worth it. While women may only hold a small percentage of CEO positions today, it’s more than 50 years ago and it will be more 50 years from now if we continue to make progress by being empowering leaders that leave the door open for others to follow.

Deborah Heisz

Deborah K. Heisz is Co-Chief Executive Officer of Neora. With more than 20 years of leadership experience in a variety of roles within the direct-selling industry, she has successfully built and led strong teams to achieve strategic goals. Deborah also maintains her role as Chief Executive Officer of Live Happy, LLC and is the co-founder and editorial director of the positive lifestyle magazine Live Happy and the Happiness Movement. A graduate of Texas Tech University with a bachelor’s degree in English, Deborah also holds an MBA from The University of Dallas.

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Activations and Anxiety: What’s In Your Toolbox? Thu, 10 Jun 2021 13:00:00 +0000 I experienced my first anxiety attack at 18 years old. It was my first semester in college, and I was so unprepared.

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I experienced my first anxiety attack at 18 years old. It was my first semester in college, and I was so unprepared.

After class, I remember going into my dorm room, checking to see if my roommate was around, shutting the doors behind me, and crying out of control.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

I felt like I was shedding the version of me that I once knew.

I had left the city I grew up in behind. I had left my boyfriend behind. Although my parents both have a mental health background, all of their know-how went out the window when it came to their daughter. When I told them about my mental health concerns, their answer was to pray about it and be strong. They did believe in mental health as a science. They even had the language, the tools, and the knowledge to understand it, which is why I have always been so surprised at how they handled “mental health” when it came to me.

Activation is a reminder of past trauma. This reminder can cause a person to feel overwhelming sadness, anxiety, or panic. It may also cause someone to have flashbacks or PTSD.

I hated being a bother to people with my feelings and would push through any emotional pain or discomfort to appear ‘strong.’ I always felt like bothering people with my emotions or feelings made me ‘too much.’

I don’t remember what activated me back then, but knowing my deep need for safety and security AND my deep wounds around not being seen or heard, the incident that caused my first anxiety attack must have been a combination of both.

That year, I knew it would be necessary to start a lifelong journey of unlearning and learning patterns so that I could work on creating safety and security in myself when I feel activated.

In full transparency, I don’t always get it right. There are days when I’m wrestling with my pain, trying to lead it into submission. On other days, the things that activate those deep wounds gently roll off of me.

So, what can you do when you start to feel ‘activated?’

When this happens, I challenge you to BE STILL and breathe deeply into your belly. Shift your body and move through it if it’s available to you at that moment. Another one of my powerful go-to resources is journaling!

If you can, open up a journal and ask yourself:

  1. What memory might be triggering this ACTIVATION?
  2. What trauma or emotion do I need to examine?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
  3. What resources do I need to move peacefully through this?
  4. Do I need to lean into the discomfort, or do I need to pull away to resource myself?

I’ve discovered that activations don’t ever disappear because the trauma and the wound don’t disappear. You can change the relationship you have to those activations, which will lead you down the road of your most profound healing. 

Brittany Giles

Brittany Giles

NeoraFit™ Ambassador Brittany Giles began her mission to share her fitness journey with the world three years ago. That journey drastically changed the way she viewed fitness. Fun workouts, her favorite fitness events, and nutrition tips are the foundation of FitXBrit, while she also focuses on the mind viewing “fitness” from a mental and spiritual aspect as well. Brittany believes “our bodies are easy to train and it just takes focus and commitment; however, our mindset can be a bit more challenging when we are looking at overall health.” Ultimately, Brittany’s goal is to share all of herself: the educator, fitness and nutrition enthusiast, the mom, and the woman on a journey to achieve peace.

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Traveling Habits To Be Mindful Of Wed, 02 Jun 2021 19:24:13 +0000 Traveling is always exciting, but most people find that drastic changes happen to their daily routine. Usually, it’s a mix of changes to sleep schedule, diet, and/or exercise routine.

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Hello from Los Angeles! I’m spending the next few weeks working remotely, but am hoping to leave feeling recharged and inspired. I look forward to the joy that comes with new experiences and making memories. 

Traveling is always exciting, but most people find that drastic changes happen to their daily routine. Usually, it’s a mix of changes to sleep schedule, diet, and/or exercise routine. I’m a creature of habit, so I take time to plan ahead so I can stay on my daily routine as much as possible. Here are things to keep in mind and some tips that work well for me while I travel:


The type of exercise while traveling can vary from your typical routine, but having movement be a part of your day is already a huge win!

  • Accommodations with gyms: I optimize for convenience and look for places that have a gym or are within walking distance to a gym. 
  • Pack lightweight workout gear: I pack a set of weighted jump ropes so that I can do HIIT/cardio style workouts with very limited space. Another easy, lightweight thing you can pack are resistance bands. 
  • Workout apps: If you don’t want to pack equipment, there are apps you can download to your phone with pre-programmed body weight workouts. 
  • Outdoor activities: You can incorporate exercise into your travels by making it an adventure! Explore the city by going on a hike, bike ride, run, or standup paddleboarding. Walking or riding your bike to get to different destinations also reduces your carbon footprint! I track the number of steps I take each day via my Apple watch.
  • Local fitness classes: Opt in for a new fitness challenge! I love seeing what different types of boutique fitness classes each city has to offer. Most studios offer drop-in classes.


When I travel, I prioritize eating and trying local foods! I’m a true foodie at heart. Remember, a few days of indulging will not set you back. It’s important to be fully present and enjoy your trip rather than worry about everything you are eating. You can also eat smart, by being cognizant of small ways to care for your digestive system.

  • It is easy to forget to stay hydrated throughout the day when travelling – I carry a small water bottle with me at all times. 
  • I take daily multivitamins and supplements to make sure my body stays in balance. When I travel, I portion out the right amount of vitamins and supplements to take with me for the duration of the trip. I’ve been taking collagen the last three years and found it to help my skin. I mix Neora’s Slim + Skin Collagen Powder into my morning coffee, which is conveniently individually packaged and easy to throw in my purse.
  • Gut health has been a focus in recent years. We tend to eat things that are outside of our typical diet when we travel, which may shock our digestive system. Neora’s Block + Balance Pre & Probiotic helps with digestion and bloating.
  • Remember to eat enough greens with fiber to help aid with digestion.
  • I try to be mindful about pairing the types of food I eat with how much physical activity/movement I do in a day. On days where I go hiking or have more strenuous activity, I plan my meals to be more carb heavy for sustenance! On lighter activity days, I opt for lighter meals and focus on protein.


Feeling well rested is key. Depending on where you are traveling to and if there is a time zone change, a departure from your regular sleep schedule can result in fatigue, headaches, and irritability.

  • Pack your favorite set of pajamas, skincare, sleep mask, and earplugs if you’re sensitive to new environments.
  • Adjust your sleep schedule 3-5 days prior to your departure.
  • Be mindful of screen time before bedtime and put your phone on silent mode.
  • Take Neora’s Cleanse + Calm Nightly Gentle Cleanse to improve your body’s ability to flush toxins out while you sleep.
  • Meditation keeps me grounded and feeling calm. I like to meditate right when I wake up. When I travel, I will double up with a quick 3 minute meditation session right before bed.

Safe travels, everyone!

Sarah Lam

Sarah Lam

Sarah is a fitness and wellness content creator based in Seattle. Her daily mission is to inspire others to live a healthy lifestyle and incorporate different forms of movement into everyday life. Through her own fitness journey, she has learned that small consistent changes add up to living a sustainable lifestyle. Outside of fitness, she is a finance professional, watercolor artist, and an avid traveler.

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Finding Yourself Is The Key To Finding Community Fri, 28 May 2021 22:06:07 +0000 Alignment with ourselves helps us channel in a healthy dose of self-worth and will more than likely result in you attracting people that match where you are in this chapter of life.

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How did you come into this world? Alone. How will you leave this world? Alone. This alone is why it is vital to learn how to enjoy your own company and be willing to sit with yourself to discover the varying layers that we possess. I promise you that self-reflection is how you get your power back! The question is, are you ready? 

Alignment with ourselves helps us channel in a healthy dose of self-worth and will more than likely result in you attracting people that match where you are in this chapter of life.

Not too long ago, I took a trip to Get Away House outside of Dallas, and it was there that I genuinely put into practice how to exist in my own company. It was also that weekend where I birthed a new business venture, released a romantic relationship, and manifested so much abundance that I am still in shock. But how do you reach the point that you are fully content with being alone and spending some actual (no phone) quality time with yourself?

1. Embrace Activities That Bring You Joy: What would you do with your day if finances were not a factor? Do that. Usually, that is something that is profoundly personal but helps you to cultivate your zone. You know that blissful place where you are doing doesn’t feel like work and is super authentic to who you are as a person. Whatever that is will leave you feeling accomplished to the point that picking up your phone every five minutes won’t even feel appeasing. 

2. Write A List Of Everything That Makes You Amazing: I love the quote, “She remembered who she was, and the game changed.” Sometimes we forget how many exceptional qualities we possess, and a little reminder never hurts anyone. You are goals! You inspire! You are somebody’s sunshine! It is time that you fully embrace it all. 

3. Place Value On Your Mental and Spiritual Health Daily: This can look different for everyone, but it is committing to a meditation practice for me. Meditation is a time to observe ourselves on a higher level. We connect with our consciousness, and it brings forth our biggest fears and insecurities so that we can commit to doing the work by looking within. When we seek outside sources to bring us inner joy, our happiness is out of our control. We have to heal inside out.

Remind yourself that you are always in someone’s thoughts, and you can create that community anywhere under any circumstance. Trusting yourself will attract all that you need, but to trust ourselves fully, we have to get to know ourselves. Are you up for the task?

Brittany Giles

Brittany Giles

NeoraFit™ Ambassador Brittany Giles began her mission to share her fitness journey with the world three years ago. That journey drastically changed the way she viewed fitness. Fun workouts, her favorite fitness events, and nutrition tips are the foundation of FitXBrit, while she also focuses on the mind viewing “fitness” from a mental and spiritual aspect as well. Brittany believes “our bodies are easy to train and it just takes focus and commitment; however, our mindset can be a bit more challenging when we are looking at overall health.” Ultimately, Brittany’s goal is to share all of herself: the educator, fitness and nutrition enthusiast, the mom, and the woman on a journey to achieve peace.

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What is a HIIT Workout? Wed, 12 May 2021 21:33:10 +0000 Getting in a daily workout can be tough — that’s why it’s important to get the most out of your workouts when you can squeeze them in!

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Getting in a daily workout can be tough — that’s why it’s important to get the most out of your workouts when you can squeeze them in!

HIIT — or High Intensity Interval Training — helps you do just that! HIIT workouts help you to optimize your workout time to get in bursts of heart pumping cardio with active recovery or rest in between sets. This is nothing new – runners have used HIIT by sprinting for short periods of time and jogging to get their heart rate back down.

Science has proven that these HIIT workouts are efficient at burning calories, and these workouts have grown in popularity over the past decade.

Benefits of HIIT

High-intensity interval training has been shown to pack a punch when it comes to burning a lot of calories in a shorter amount of time. But its biggest benefit is heart health. 

HIIT Can Burn a Lot of Calories in a Short Amount of Time.

  • Research has shown that HIIT burns more calories (25-30%!) compared to cardio or weight training. That’s good news for busy people! If you don’t have a lot of time for a workout, HIIT is an effective way to burn more calories faster. 

HIIT Improves Metabolism

  • HIIT actually increases your metabolism so that you burn more calories after your workout. Even a short HIIT workout increases your metabolic rate hours after your workout. 

Helps You Burn Fat

  • Many studies on HIIT training have shown that even a short workout a few times a week helped participants lose a significant amount of body fat. 

HIIT Can Help You Gain Muscle Mass

  • While traditional weight training is still the most effective way to gain muscle mass, HIIT can help you build muscle mass especially in the legs and core. 

HIIT Can Improve Oxygen Consumption

  • Oxygen consumption refers to your muscle’s ability to use oxygen. Studies have found that HIIT improves your muscle’s oxygen consumption in a much shorter amount of time other than other cardio activities such as running.

HIIT Improves Blood Pressure & Heart Health

  • Studies have shown that HIIT can help lower blood pressure in those with high blood pressure.

Blood Sugar Can Be Reduced by HIIT

  • HIIT can help reduce blood pressure and improve insulin resistance. Studies have shown that HIIT is even more effective at improving blood sugar and insulin resistance than a continuous workout.

Another benefit of a HIIT workout is that it can be done just about anywhere, with no equipment needed. Whether you choose to sprint for 30 seconds and jog for 10, or incorporate  other types of exercises in your workouts, like burpees, the effects are impactful. 

What Makes a HIIT Workout a HIIT Workout?

High-Intensity Interval Training should look like bursts of 80% of your max capacity, followed by a shorter period of time in active recovery or rest.

Active recovery can look like a squat hold or plank hold, or a slower, less intense exercise like air squats. These recovery periods help you to get your heart rate back down so you’re ready for the next interval. 

No Equipment HIIT Workout

Try this HIIT workout at home or outdoors! No equipment needed — just a mat for comfort, if you’d like! Make sure to warm up with some stretches beforehand.

Do 30-45 seconds of each exercise with 15 seconds of rest in between sets. Repeat the circuit three times.

High Knees Active Recovery: Air Squats
Push Ups Active Recovery: Goddess Squat Hold
Burpees Active Recovery: Downdog
Sit Ups Active Recovery: Bridge Hold
Jumping Jacks Active Recovery: Plank Hold
Mountain Climbers Active Recovery: Rest

Adding interval training to your workouts has many benefits. There’s a reason they’ve grown in popularity. Try gradually adding in some HIIT workouts to your fitness routine and measure your progress!

Adriana Lee

Adriana Lee

NeoraFit™ Ambassador Adriana Lee is a Las Vegas born yoga teacher and yoga teacher trainer. She is all about self-discovery and empowerment through yoga. She teaches her students how to breathe, how to feel and how to get reacquainted with their bodies. As a teacher, she breaks down big concepts and complicated poses into bite-sized pieces to make them more accessible. Her teaching is based in anatomy and biomechanics. Students leave the class feeling refreshed, connected to their bodies, and empowered — and now she brings her skill and experience exclusively to you.

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