
Personal Pumpkin Pecan Pies

September 29, 2022  Neora™ Avatar
Personal Pumpkin Pecan Pies


rolled oats 2 cups
pecans 4 cups
maple syrup 1/2 cup
ground cinnamon 2 tsps
vanilla 1 tsp
ground cloves 1/4 tsp
salt 1 tsp


maple syrup 1/2 cup
cornstarch 3 tbsps
pumpkin puree 2 1/4 cups
coconut cream 1/4
vanilla 2 tsps
cinnamon 2 tsps
salt 1/2 tsp
nutmeg 1/2 tsp
ginger 1/4 tsp
ground clove 1 tsp


pecans, crushed 1/2 cup
maple syrup 2 tsps
Pinch of salt

With fall just around the corner,  we’re ready for cooler temperatures and pumpkin-spiced everything! And these mini pies are everything we love about fall in just a few bites (unless you eat two!).

These Personal Pumpkin Pecan Pies are totally vegan, gluten-free, and free of refined sugar so you can indulge without a side of guilt!

Make as is or double the recipe to bring to your next family gathering for the holidays!


Make sure the coconut cream is fully combined. If it’s separated, microwave it for a few seconds.  


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. In a food processor, add oats and pulse until you have a fine powder. Then add pecans and process until the nuts are finely chopped. Then add cinnamon, vanilla, cloves, salt, and maple syrup. Pulse until a dough forms. 
  3. Grease a 12-cup muffin pan and scoop ¼ cup of the crust mixture into each cup. Press mixture into bottom and sides of each cup to form a mini pie crust. The mixture may extend beyond the cups of the pan, do your best to keep them even.  
  4. Bake for about ten minutes, or until just slightly browned.  
  5. Meanwhile, for the filling, mix maple syrup and cornstarch in a large bowl. Once thoroughly combined, whisk in pumpkin puree, coconut cream, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and salt.  
  6. Scoop two tablespoons of filling into each mini crust and top with crushed pecan mixture. Then, return to the oven for about 35 minutes or until the outside is brown and the centers are set. 
  7. Allow to cool for ten minutes before removing from pan, then place on a wire rack or in the refrigerator to cool for an additional 40 minutes. Serve & enjoy! 




One Comment

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    Lisa Theoharides 12 months ago

    Sooo excited to make this!! I love using the Neorafit protein powder in my recipes. Going to mix some in this recipe too!!

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