
3 MORE Tips to Help You Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur

May 8, 2018  Jeff Olson Avatar
3 MORE Tips to Help You Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur

Jeff Olson, Founder & CEO of Neora, is a dynamic and visionary leader who has served in many executive roles across different business channels and companies. He is also a best-selling author and speaker.

Part 1: 3 Tips to Help You Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur.

Starting your own business can be a challenge which is why successful entrepreneurs have to have extraordinary belief in their vision, goals, and capabilities. Last month, I shared with you three tips to help get you on track toward unleashing your inner entrepreneur. In case you missed it, here’s a recap of the tips covered in PART I: 3 Tips to Help You Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur.

First; DECIDING to do something is not good enough, DOING it is key. You must jump despite your fears or, in the words of John Burroughs, “Leap, and the net will appear.” Second, if you want to step up your game, consistently keep pushing forward because consistency always pays off. Third, train your brain to see challenges as opportunities – the right frame of mind can move mountains, which is why it is essential to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

I strongly encourage you to read the whole article; to do so, click here. But for the moment, let’s move on to our final three tips to help you unleash your inner entrepreneur.

  1. Build Up Your New Belief Level

Tips one through three are super important by themselves; however, doing the first three steps consistently over a long period of time is key. The tip here is that consistently committing to the action over the long haul will help you build up a new belief level in yourself – one that you can continue over time.

  1. See Yourself Achieving Great Things

It’s safe to assume most people experience the powerful force of burning desire. Even though many people have the desire, they don’t SEE themselves getting the desired result. The individuals who achieve great things are those who not only passionately wanted to achieve it in the first place but also those people who clearly see themselves achieving it. In The Slight Edge, I explain that a burning desire backed by faith means deeply, passionately wanting to get somewhere and knowing – not hoping, not wishing, but knowing that you’re going to get there, i.e., desire and faith go hand in hand.

  1. Be Willing to Pay the Price

Anything worth having is worth paying the price for !!! It’s so important to realize that even though you have big dreams, the steps you’re going to take to get there will likely be small. In her monthly #realchats Facebook Live events, Neora Co-Founder and CMO Amber Olson Rourke has talked about doing what matters most. These two principles are basically the same. Prioritize your dreams and step away from those activities and individuals that are unproductive or just not getting you one step closer to your dreams. Focus on your dream, your goal, your top priority and commit to taking action. What’s more, consistently take small steps to get yourself one step closer to your dream. In The Slight Edge, I write, “Remember, there aren’t many millionaires who bowl over 100. Why not? Because they left the bowling league behind to build their fortunes.” That’s the price millionaires are willing to pay for their success. What’s the price you’re willing to pay to reach your dreams?

At the end of the day, reaching your goals can be much less dramatic and not nearly as impossible to achieve as you may think now. Hopefully, these six tips I’ve shared with you over the course of two blogs will be helpful in your journey. But, if you have any additional questions, submit those below – I’d love to hear from you and be part of your journey!


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    Daniel Rojas 5 years ago

    Thanks So Much for this reminder!

    Will Neora International pursue a formula for balding men? With the products already in play, I couldn’t think of a better addition to the appearance of anti-aging.

    Thank You
    Bellingham Wa.

    • Daniel, thank you for the product suggestion and for being a part of Neora.

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    Diana 5 years ago

    I don’t know when it happened, but I have stopped believing in myself. I have not stopped going, but I am not feeling that belief right now.

    • Diana, this is where the Slight Edge philosophy kicks in. It’s easy to plug into the system by reading books, uplifting podcasts, or receiving mentoring. It’s also easy not to do it. It’s when we feel the least inspired yet make the conscience choice to stay plugged in that can make all the difference. You’ve got this!

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